What’s going on, guys? Are we losing our mind? Is it the end of the world coming? How can a person enter a lecture hall and start shooting trying to kill as many people as possible? Is it ok in the 21st century?
I still cannot calm down. The world seems to have gone mad!!! Shooting at school and at the university have become regular practice! You cannot be sure, that you may see your child after he/she has gone to study! It’s terrible.
You know what event I mean. Sure thing, this terrible shooting at Northern Illinois University. The killer was unofficially named Steve Kazmierczak, age 27. One of the possible reasons of the shooting is some failure in relations. The killer is said to have been rejected and wanted to revenge. But what all those 162 students who were to be present at the lecture have to do with Kazmierczak’s problems??? Especially those, who died: Catalina Garcia, 20; Ryanne Mace, 19; Julianna Gehant, 32? Is it another way of solving the problems and getting rid of depression?
Some people died, others were injured and still suffer not only physically, but also mentally.
Witnesses said the gunman kicked open a door near the stage in Cole Hall just 10 minutes before the end of the lecture and started shooting with the shotgun without saying a word.
I still cannot calm down. The world seems to have gone mad!!! Shooting at school and at the university have become regular practice! You cannot be sure, that you may see your child after he/she has gone to study! It’s terrible.
You know what event I mean. Sure thing, this terrible shooting at Northern Illinois University. The killer was unofficially named Steve Kazmierczak, age 27. One of the possible reasons of the shooting is some failure in relations. The killer is said to have been rejected and wanted to revenge. But what all those 162 students who were to be present at the lecture have to do with Kazmierczak’s problems??? Especially those, who died: Catalina Garcia, 20; Ryanne Mace, 19; Julianna Gehant, 32? Is it another way of solving the problems and getting rid of depression?
Some people died, others were injured and still suffer not only physically, but also mentally.
Witnesses said the gunman kicked open a door near the stage in Cole Hall just 10 minutes before the end of the lecture and started shooting with the shotgun without saying a word.
Dispensing with the shotgun, the gunman - who was wearing a black ski cap and black trenchcoat - pulled out a pistol and walked down the aisles firing it into the crowd of terrified students. He aimed at the heads of the students.
Writing this, I still cannot come to myself. It’s really hard to believe in these and many other recent not less tragic events. Trying to find an answer to my own numerous questions, I analysed this and some recent similar murders, in which many innocent people died. And I’m really scared because of this uncontrolled level of aggression. It’s psychologists’ work to identify the reasons and possible salvation of this problem. But from my point of view as an ordinary citizen, if we do nothing with this, we are really risking our life and limb. We may be afraid of getting out of the house…
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