We often grumble that we don’t have something, deprived of something and that the whole world is against us! And we are so nice, so clever and so diligent! How can other people and the whole world fail to understand this???
It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? People, who are really SOMETHING, will always find themselves despite all hardships and problems, because they want it, they want to live and enjoy the life. There are many such examples, but today I’d like to speak a bit about Liz Murray. Everybody must have heard her story. What do you think of it? Did she have enough reasons to be angry with her parents, who had sold all valuable things, to get more drugs, with the school, where she hadn’t wanted to go in order not to be offended, with the whole society, that allow such things as drug addiction, AIDS, homeless children… But she wasn’t… And she isn’t…

She managed to escape from that terrible life and began her own, happy, bright and kind. She doesn’t have any malice in her heart and says that she loves her parents, notwithstanding all problems and hardships of her childhood. Determined not to be defined by her circumstances, she recognized education as the key to a fresh beginning and a whole new life. She earned her high school diploma in just two years — and won a scholarship to Harvard University that would turn a penniless girl into a well-educated young woman with a bright future. With her examples of hard work, determination and daily commitment to achievement, she instantly becomes an inspiration to audiences everywhere. That same gutsy strength that pulled her from the streets now transforms the lives of others, from student groups to business audiences in need of inspiration to overcome their own obstacles. And everybody listens to her and believes her, because she doesn’t intend to teach others, she simply tells her life-story, sincerely, truly, clearly. And this makes her stand out from the herd of other speakers, who do have the gift of the gap, but, perhaps, they have not gone through all those hardships and obstacles.
They say, that hardships and problems make us stronger. I’d probably agree. Especially, taking into account Liz’s example.
Now almost the whole world know Liz’s story, due to the film Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story.
I’m fascinated by the strength and endurance of this young woman. In one of her interviews Liz said that she want to have a good stable family, children, all that she was actually deprived of in her childhood. Besides, she doesn’t give up her work with homeless people. I want to wish her all the best in her life and work! She has suffered enough to have right to begin a really new life!